Successes and Failures in Implementing Technology across the Community Care Spectrum
Dr Hirani was awarded a 2017 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship to visit Australia and New Zealand to research methods of enhancing professional and career training for delivery technology enabled care .
He is a Senior Lecturer in Health Services Research and a Chartered Health Psychologist at University of London. His research focuses on self-management of long term conditions such as diabetes, heart failure and CAD. This extends to self-care in older people with a specific interest on how this can be facilitated by technologies of many sorts-remote monitoring (telecare and telehealth), the remote delivery of services (telemedicine and tele-rehabilitation), self-care website, health apps and wearable technology.
Date: 13 December 2017
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Location: Level 5, UQ Health Sciences, Building 901/16,
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Herston, QLD 4029
Cost: $30 (M/Tea Provided)
- places very limited -
Our Innovation Round table is proudly supported by CSIRO.
If you have any dietary requirements or questions, please send them through to our team at
Where: Level 5, UQ Health Sciences, Building 901/16, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Herston, QLD 4029
Start: 9:30am 13/12/2017
End: 11:30am 13/12/2017
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