Webinar: Do CHANGE, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and Empowering Individuals

Author: Sander van Berlo

Published by: Community Resourcing

Date of Publication: October 7th, 2015

Dr. Eleanor Horton chairs this webinar presented by Sander van Berlo, who informs us of his project Do CHANGE. The primary goal of the Do CHANGE (Cardiac Health Advanced New Generation Ecosystem) project is to develop a health ecosystem for integrated disease management for hypertensive and cardiac patients. This ground breaking system – which will be adaptable for other health and social issues – will give people access to a set of personalised health services that directly respond to a range of measurements and situations. It integrates the latest behaviour change techniques with inputs from new portable tools that scan food and fluid intake, monitor behaviours and measure clinical parameters in normal living situations.

The webinar can be viewed at 

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Uploaded on 2015-10-15 05:42:52

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