ASCA: Concepts and Considerations for the future of Smart Communities

The  Australian Smart Communities Association (ASCA) have just released their 'Concepts and Considerations for the Future of Smart Communities' document. This guide showcases some of the best examples of Smart Community thinking in Australia and New Zealand.

This document will take you on a journey that covers some of the major themes that local governments encounter on their path to becoming a Smart Community. This covers the full range of scale and diversity of local government areas, with examples appropriate to everyone.

This is an exciting time for the Association, they're consciously agitating for action and partnerships and they've seen the results from getting on the front foot from Whittlesea to Woollahra. They believe this can happen everywhere.

Throughout this document, you will see discussion on subjects such as:

• A strong Vision guides and motivates and offers your community chance to re-frame its challenges and opportunities.

• Taking pride in the uniqueness of your community generates meaning. This pride in what you already have in your community produces valued projects and initiatives.

• Your efforts in smart communities reflect the constant advancement of humankind. Ensuring that your community gets the best out of what humanity can create is vital in ensuring that your place remains relevant over the next century.

• Public value can now be created in any number of new ways. Where previously the means of delivery offered far less scope for innovation, now there are new opportunities wherever you look.

For more information and to access the guide click here

Posted on 18 / 04 / 2017
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