Will you be joining us for our upcoming webinars?
In the last six months, The Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative has held a number of fantastic webinars by national and international speakers from the Community Care Sector.
The Collaborative will be continuing this trend throughout the remainder of 2017 by bringing collaborators new content from a range of new and exciting speakers and topic. These include:
- Open Data: Possibilities Now and for the Future - Maree Ashead (ODI)
- The Future of Open Source and Assistive Technology - David Banes (Access and Inclusion Specialist)
- Outstanding Delivery of Remote Services Through Technology and Innovation - Julie-Ann Lambourne (enVizion Inc.) & David Swayne (STEPS Group)
- Developing Living Labs for Community Care: Opportunities for Co-Design and Co-Creation - Gareth Priday (Australian Living Labs Innovation Network)
- Innovative Workforces of the Future - Andrew Reeson (CSIRO's Data61)
- Smart Assistive Technology and Mental Health for Younger People - Philippa Collin (Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney)
Keep an eye on our Webinars page as well as your inbox for more information and dates.
If you have any questions, our would like to suggest a speaker and topic for an upcoming webinar, please email sat@communityresourcing.com.au
Posted on 07 / 07 / 2017
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