International Perspectives

Traditional Telehealth Model is ‘Dead’ as Wearables Take Over: CCSATC Expert Kevin Doughty

Author: Natasha Egan

Published By: Australian Ageing Agenda Technology Review 

Published:  2016

Dr. Kevin Doughty is a CCSATC Expert Reference group member and Director of the Centre for Usable Home Technologies (CUHTec) at the Universities of Coventry, Newcastle and York. A leading expert in the use of ICT in aged care, Dr. Doughty has urged providers to be agile when it comes to choosing technology, citing Telehealth boxes that have been "overtaken" by more suitable wearable devices. 

"That equipment should be taken off from the shelf and put straight into the bin because they have been overtaken by things that better, more usable, and far more conducive to the public." Dr Doughty told Technology Review. 

All the sign were pointing to a future involving wearable devices, rather than "Telehealth boxes," said Dr Doughty. 

Clients were constrained by traditional Telehealth equipments that had to used in the home at a particular time, he said. Instead, devices needed to become ambulatory so they could be worn by individuals, who were increasingly interested in something that matched their persona. 

Please follow the link below to access the full article: 

Traditional telehealth model is ‘dead’ as wearables take over: expert

Category: Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Lisa Kelly · 8 years ago

How Playing 3D Video Games Could Help Boost Memory

Author: Honor Whiteman

Published By: Medilexicon International Ltd.

Published On: 12 December 2015

Good news for all of you video game buffs out there; a new study finds playing 3D video games may help boost memory, possibly opening the door to a new way to maintain cognitive functioning as we age.


Video games are not normally viewed in a positive light in terms of health; previous studies have claimed they promote sedentary behavior, while violent video games have been linked to aggressive behavior and reduced self-control.


Increasingly, however, researchers are finding video games may have some benefits. Earlier this year, Medical News Today reported on a study that found Tetris could reduce cravings, while other research suggested story-based video games could help people with autism.


Now, researchers from the University of California-Irvine (UCI) suggest the benefits of video games could reach even further, possibly helping people with dementia or other conditions associated with memory loss.


They publish their findings in The Journal of Neuroscience.


3D video games improved memory performance by 12%


Study coauthors Craig Stark and Dane Clemenson, of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory at UCI, asked a number of non-gamer college students to play one of two video games for 30 minutes daily for 2 weeks - either the 2D game "Angry Birds" or the 3D game "Super Mario 3D world."


Students took part in memory tests both before and after the 2-week gaming period, which involved them viewing images of specific everyday objects. They were then shown images of the same objects, new objects and objects that differed slightly from the original images and were asked to categorize each one.


Such tests engage the hippocampus - the brain region associated with memory and learning - according to Stark, and previous studies he conducted showed that the ability to perform well on such tests reduces as we age.


Compared with students who played the 2D game over the 2-week period, those who played the 3D game improved memory performance by around 12%.


To put this in context, the team notes that between the ages of 45-70, memory performance normally reduces by around 12%, suggesting that 3D video games could help maintain cognitive functioning as we age.


But why do 3D video games appear to boost memory while 2D games do not?


3D games may increase neuronal growth, signaling in the hippocampus


Previous studies by Clemenson and colleagues found rodents that explored an environment showed increased neuronal growth and signaling in the hippocampus, and the team notes there are similarities between the environment the rodents explored and the 3D game the students played.


Stark explains that 3D games contain more spatial information than 2D, giving the player more to explore. What is more, 3D games are significantly more complex, meaning the player has more to learn.


Stark adds that video games activate cognitive processes, including visual, spatial, attentional, motivational and emotional processes, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving and working memory.


"It's quite possible that by explicitly avoiding a narrow focus on a single [...] cognitive domain and by more closely paralleling natural experience, immersive video games may be better suited to provide enriching experiences that translate into functional gains," he explains.


Next, the team plans to determine whether 3D video games or other real-world exploration experiences can help reverse cognitive declines in older individuals.


"Can we use this video game approach to help improve hippocampus functioning? It's often suggested that an active, engaged lifestyle can be a real factor in stemming cognitive aging," says Stark. "While we can't all travel the world on vacation, we can do many other things to keep us cognitively engaged and active. Video games may be a nice, viable route."

Category: Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Research Smart AT General Videos Virtual Environments

Added by Lisa Kelly · 8 years ago

Learnings from Scotland’s Innovation Programs - Janette Hughes

Author: Janette Hughes and CCSATC 

Published By: CCSATC

Published On: 6 January 2016

Janette lead the Wellness and Health Innovation project and most recently the Scottish ‘dallas’ programme – Living it Up, which developed a transformational and scalable digital service model for the over 50’s, focussed on co-designing services that enable them to remain healthy, happy and safe.  This webinar gives a brief overview of the Scottish ‘dallas’ Living it Up Program.

This webinar can be accessed by following the link below:

Category: Allied Health Connected Health Domestic Assistance Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Lisa Kelly · 9 years ago

Webinar: Do CHANGE, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and Empowering Individuals

Author: Sander van Berlo

Published by: Community Resourcing

Date of Publication: October 7th, 2015

Dr. Eleanor Horton chairs this webinar presented by Sander van Berlo, who informs us of his project Do CHANGE. The primary goal of the Do CHANGE (Cardiac Health Advanced New Generation Ecosystem) project is to develop a health ecosystem for integrated disease management for hypertensive and cardiac patients. This ground breaking system – which will be adaptable for other health and social issues – will give people access to a set of personalised health services that directly respond to a range of measurements and situations. It integrates the latest behaviour change techniques with inputs from new portable tools that scan food and fluid intake, monitor behaviours and measure clinical parameters in normal living situations.

The webinar can be viewed at 

Category: Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Videos

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

An Evaluation of House of Memories: Dementia Training Programme

Contributors: Kerry Wilson and Gayle Whelan

Published By: National Museums Liverpool

Published On: September 2014

House of Memories is a multi award-winning museums dementia awareness training programme in the U.K. Created by National Museums Liverpool, it provides health, social care and housing workforce with practical skills and resources to support people to live well with dementia. Since its inception in 2012, more than 5,000 health, housing, and social care workers have participated in the training nationally in the U.K.

Other recent developments attached to the programme include the launch of a dedicated My House of Memories2 app, which can again be used remotely in a variety of care contexts.

Category: Connected Health International Perspectives Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Smart rehabilitation for the 21st century: The Tampa Smart Home for veterans with traumatic brain injury


Author/s: Jan Jasiewicz, PhD; William Kearns, PhD;  Jeffrey Craighead, PhD; James L. Fozard, PhD; Steven Scott, DO; Jay McCarthy Jr, PT, MS

Published By: JRRD, Volume 48, Number 8

Published On: 2011


In this editorial, JRRD report on the development of a smart-home–based cognitive prosthetic that will deliver 24/7 rehabilitation at the James A.Haley Veterans’ Hospital Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP) facility in Tampa, Florida. The Tampa Smart Home was designed to address two weaknesses identified by PTRP clinicians in the rehabilitation process for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI): (1) patient safety and (2) inadequate timing and repetition of prompts used to overcome TBI related cognitive and memory deficits.

Category: International Perspectives Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Smart rehabilitation for the 21st century: The Tampa Smart Home for veterans with traumatic brain injury

Author/s: Jan Jasiewicz, PhD; William Kearns, PhD;  Jeffrey Craighead, PhD; James L. Fozard, PhD; Steven Scott, DO; Jay McCarthy Jr, PT, MS

Published By: JRRD, Volume 48, Number 8

Published On: 2011


In this editorial, JRRD report on the development of a smart-home–based cognitive prosthetic that will deliver 24/7 rehabilitation at the James A.Haley Veterans’ Hospital Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP) facility in Tampa, Florida. The Tampa Smart Home was designed to address two weaknesses identified by PTRP clinicians in the rehabilitation process for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI): (1) patient safety and (2) inadequate timing and repetition of prompts used to overcome TBI related cognitive and memory deficits.

Category: Domestic Assistance International Perspectives Mobile Technologies Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Webinar: User Centered and Experiential Approaches to Designing Smart Assistive Technology

Presented by: Sander van Berlo, Director at Onmi B.V., the Netherlands

Recorded On: 2 October 2015

This webinar was specifically held and recorded for the Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative Platform.  Introduced by Eleanor Horton,  Expert Reference Group member and Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

This is part of a series of sessions being facilitated by Community Resourcing for the Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative.

Category: Connected Health International Perspectives Mobile Technologies Research Videos

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Webinar: Do Change, European Smart Assistive Technology Project Disrupting and empowering individuals

Presented by: Sander van Berlo, Director at Onmi B.V., the Netherlands

Recorded On: 2 October 2015

This webinar was specifically held and recorded for the Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative Platform.  Introduced by Eleanor Horton,  Expert Reference Group member and Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

This is part of a series of sessions being facilitated by Community Resourcing for the Community Care Smart Assistive Technology Collaborative.

Category: Connected Health International Perspectives Mobile Technologies Research Videos

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation tool

Authors: Patrice L Weiss, Debbie Rand, Noomi Katz and Rachel Kizony

Published by: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Published: 2004

Video capture virtual reality (VR) uses a video camera and software to track movement in a single plane without the need to place markers on specific bodily locations. The user's image is thereby embedded within a simulated environment such that it is possible to interact with animated graphics in a completely natural manner. Although this technology first became available more than 25 years ago, it is only within the past five years that it has been applied in rehabilitation. The objective of this article is to describe the way this technology works, to review its assets relative to other VR platforms, and to provide an overview of some of the major studies that have evaluated the use of video capture technologies for rehabilitation.

Category: Connected Health Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Operational Technology Virtual Environments

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Stroke Recovery with Kinect

Author: Eric Change and Miran Lee 

Published By: Microsoft Research

Published: 2016

A Prototype by Microsoft

Stroke Recovery with Kinect is an interactive rehabilitation system prototype that helps stroke patients improve their upper-limb motor functioning in the comfort of their own home. By using Microsoft Kinect technology, this prototype system recognizes and interprets the user’s gestures, assesses their rehabilitation progress, and adjusts the level of difficulty for subsequent therapy sessions.

Category: Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Virtual Environments

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Recent trends in assistive technology for mobility

Authors:  font-style: italic; line-height: 22.8667px;">Rachel E Cowan, Benjamin J Fregly, Michael L Boninger, Leighton Chan, Mary M Rodgers and

David J Reinkensmeyer

Published by: Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation

Pubished on: 2012

Loss of physical mobility makes maximal participation in desired activities more difficult and in the worst case fully prevents participation. This paper surveys recent work in assistive technology to improve mobility for persons with a disability, drawing on examples observed during a tour of academic and industrial research sites in Europe.

The underlying theme of this recent work is a more seamless integration of the capabilities of the user and the assistive technology. This improved integration spans diverse technologies, including powered wheelchairs,prosthetic limbs, functional electrical stimulation, and wearable exoskeletons. Improved integration is being accomplished in three ways: 1) improving the assistive technology mechanics; 2) improving the user-technology physical interface; and 3) sharing of control between the user and the technology. We provide an overview of these improvements in user-technology integration and discuss whether such improvements have the potential to be transformative for people with mobility impairments.

Category: International Perspectives Mobility Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Assisted Living Technology in social care: workforce development implications

Authors: Andrea Wigfield, Katy Wright, Elizabeth Burtney, Diane Buddery

Published by: Journal of Assistive Technologies

Published on: 2013

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to look at the implications of the increasing use of Assisted Living

Technology in the social care sector and to assess the implications for the workforce in terms of job roles, skills, knowledge, training, and support.

Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods approach was used, through a quantitative electronic survey of staff working in social care (as well as some health care) organisations in England, and three qualitative case studies of local authorities.

Findings – The research shows that the organisations involved in delivering Assisted Living Technology, the types of Assisted Living Technology being introduced, and the way in which it is being delivered, have implications for job roles and the skills and knowledge needed by staff. The associated training and workforce development similarly varies across the social care sector; it is ad hoc, disparate, and provided primarily by individual employers or by suppliers and manufacturers.

Research limitations/implications – There is a need for a standardised Assisted Living Technology workforce development approach which can be used across the social care sector.

Practical implications – The varied nature of Assisted Living Technology providers and delivery models presents a challenge to the development and implementation of a standardised programme of workforce development.

Originality/value – This paper presents the results of new empirical research arising from a quantitative and qualitative study of the workforce development implications of Assisted Living Technology in the English social care sector.

Category: Domestic Assistance International Perspectives Smart AT General Workforces Considerations

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

The Smart House for Older Persons and Persons With Physical Disabilities: Structure, Technology Arrangements, and Perspectives

Authors: Zeungnam Bien, Won-Chul Bang and Dimitar Stefanov

Published by: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Published On: 2004

Smart houses are considered a good alternative for the independent life of older persons and persons with disabilities. Numerous intelligent devices, embedded into the home environment, can provide the resident with both movement assistance and 24-h health monitoring. Modern home-installed systems tend to be not only physically versatile in functionality but also emotionally human-friendly, i.e., they may be able to perform their functions without disturbing the user and without causing him/her any pain, inconvenience, or movement restriction, instead possibly providing him/her with comfort and pleasure. Through an extensive survey, this paper analyzes the building blocks of smart houses, with particular attention paid to the health monitoring subsystem as an important component, by addressing the basic requirements of various sensors implemented from both research and clinical perspectives. The paper will then discuss some important issues of the future development of an intelligent residential space with a human-friendly health monitoring functional system.

Category: Domestic Assistance International Perspectives Social Engagement

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Designing The Consumer-Centered Telehealth & eVisit Experience

 Author/s:Kyra Bobinet, MD MPH, John Petito, MS

Prepared for: The Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

This white paper covers key elements of design for consumer-centered telehealth. Given the rapid growth of telehealth and overall disruption of healthcare reimbursement and care delivery, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) commissioned a design session focused on this topic on April 10, 2015 with over 30 stakeholders in attendance.

Category: Connected Health International Perspectives Research Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Dr Kevin Doughty Presentation from The Embedding and Mainstreaming Smart AT in Community Care Service Provision Event

In this one day interactive Workshop held in Brisbane on 8 September 2015 , Dr Doughty demonstrated the  implementation of Smart Assistive Technology into Service Delivery drawing from proven International best practice in community care service delivery.

Due to popular demand we have provided a link to Dr Doughty's presentation below:

Category: Future Trends & Possibilies International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Technologies for Dementia Care in the Home

An informative webinar presented by Dr. Carrie Peterson on how the use of technology can assist with dementia care in the home.

About Carrie Peterson:

Carrie Peterson, PhD, has degrees in Human Services, Psychology, Gerontology, and her PhD thesis in Engineering was on Quality of Life and technology in dementia care. Carrie has been a volunteer, private carer, worked in day care programs, hospice, and in research over the past 30 years. She is an independent consultant in aging, long-term care, and dementia services. Carrie has worked with private families, long-term care facilities, universities, businesses, start-ups, research centers, Non-Governmental Organizations, and health and social care services in Denmark. Carrie focuses on innovation in dementia care, working to develop and evaluate health and social care services for people and families living with dementia. 

Click the link below to view the webinar:

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General Videos

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Technology to Care- Implementation Plan to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in Social Care

Contributors: Diane Buddery, Skills for Care, England, Linda Currin, Skills for Care and Development , Audrey Cund, University of the West of Scotland , Ian Fricker, Scottish Social Services Council , Meta Keenan, Northern Ireland Social Services Council , Mared Llwyd, Care Council for Wales, Sheila Lyons, Care Council for Wales, Rebecca Nancarrow, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Annie O’Reilly, Social Care in Partnership (Western Bay), Wales, Oliver Stykuc-Dean, Buckinghamshire County, England , Trevor Taylor, The Cedar Foundation, Northern Ireland, Diane Webb, Quarriers, Scotland.

Published by: Technology to Care

This implementation plan should be read in conjunction with Technology to Care: A Workforce Learning Strategy to Embed Electronic Assistive Technology (eAT) in Social Care 1. The recommendations set out in the strategy form the basis of the implementation plan, which sets out a series of operational objectives with related actions or activities for different stakeholders.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Integrating Assistive technology into an outcome-driven model of service delivery

Author: Toby Long, Larke Huang, Michelle Woodbridge, Maria Woolverton, Jean Minkel

Published By: Infants and Young Children Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.272-283, Lippincott Williams & Wilkin 

Published: 2003

Infants and toddlers with disabilities and special health care needs (SHCN) have complex habilitative and health care needs requiring multiple services throughout their lives. Providers of services to children underutilize assistive technology (AT) and AT services. This underutilization has a significant impact on how w^ell and how easily the children are integrated in home, school, and community activities. The literature indicates that AT is appropriate when the device (a) is related to specific and clearly defined goals that are meaningful to the child and family; (b) takes into consideration practical constraints, such as the environment and funding resources; and (c) results in the child achieving desired outcomes. Using an outcome-driven model this article outlines a 10-step framework that can be used by service providers to guide them in determining the fit between the child s needs and AT and/or AT services. Components of the framework and critical information needed for decision-making at each step will be discussed. A family entered, interdisciplinary team philosophy is promoted.

Please follow the link below to access the full journal article:

Category: International Perspectives Policy & Funding Quality & Standards

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Technology to Care – Implementation Plan to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in social care

This implementation plan should be read in conjunction with Technology to Care: A Workforce Learning Strategy to Embed Electronic Assistive Technology (eAT) in Social Care1. The recommendations set out in the strategy form the basis of the implementation plan, which sets out a series of operational objectives with related actions or activities for different stakeholders.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Technology to Care – Knowledge and skills sets to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in social care

New electronic technologies are playing an ever greater part in everyday life for us all. Most of us have a mobile phone that we wouldn’t be without. Many of us shop online, travel by satnav, talk by video link to friends or family far away, and download apps for practical or leisure use. We may also arrange for lights to come on while we’re out, set alarms to detect intruders, or arrange for TV programmes to be recorded while we’re busy doing something else.

People who use social care services can and should enjoy the same benefits that the changing world of technology can bring to us all; some already do. Many are also finding that specific technology-based systems or devices have an increasingly important part to play in supporting their safety, well-being and independence. This is true not only for independence in a practical sense but also for enabling greater participation in family, social and economic life. Technology, especially digital technology, can bring substantial benefits in terms of reducing isolation and improving people’s motivation and well-being day to day. Such benefits apply to people of all ages. Individuals can now enjoy a much wider range of choices because of electronic technologies, and these in turn can help to nurture more personalised approaches to care and support.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Hft Personalised Technology - Virtual Smart House

Hft uses the term 'Personalised Technology' to describe gadgets and equipment used to support people in this way.

It's not about the technology; it's all about the person using it and the positive impact it has on all those involved.

Although the Virtual Smart House is based on our work with people with learning disabilities, much of the technology showcased in the house can be used equally to support anyone who needs assistance in their own home.

This includes other vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with dementia and people with physical disabilities

Category: International Perspectives Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Technology to Care – A workforce learning strategy to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in Social Care

Author: Skills for Care and Development (SfC&D)

Published By: Technology to Care UK

Published: 2014

Technology is playing an increasingly important part in the provision of care and support. This Workforce Learning Strategy has been developed by Skills for Care and Development (SfC&D) to support employers as they equip the workforce to utilise technology effectively to promote person centred approaches and independence, choice and well-being in the lives of the people they support. An ageing population, integrated public services, person centred approaches and digital innovations are amongst the key drivers for change in health and social care services in the UK. 1 2 3 This Strategy has been developed to consider the future needs of the workforce specifically in relation to the role that eAT can play in improving the delivery of care services. In particular, the Strategy is intended to support employers across the UK to address the learning needs of their workforce in relation to eAT and to invest more confidently in eAT related training.

A number of initiatives informed the direction of the Strategy, including a review of policy across the UK and a mix of research methods to analyse learning and development provision and its effectiveness in addressing workforce needs. Consultation and engagement events around the UK involved eAT champions, individuals, telecare service managers, care and support providers, occupational therapists, health, housing and third sector workers. The detail of the Strategy was shaped by a steering group of representatives to ensure consistency and consensus across the UK.

The Strategy is aimed primarily at employers and managers within social care services, with an emphasis on action to raise workforce awareness around eAT. It is part of a long term ambition to embed knowledge and skills about eAT in working practices across social care. Whilst the Strategy is addressed primarily to employers, it is highly relevant to other stakeholders such as suppliers/manufacturers and learning providers who also have an important role to play in achieving change.

To access the complete pdf. document please click here:

Category: International Perspectives Policy & Funding Smart AT General Workforces Considerations

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Virtual communities in health care: roles, requirements and restrictions

Authors: Yvonne Arnold, Miriam Daum and Helmut Kremar

Published by: Technical University of Munich

Year of publication: 2004

Community platforms on the Internet have the great potential to serve ubiquitous information and interaction needs. This applies especially in the health care domain, where the need for information and interaction is ubiquitous as well as often spontaneous and of a long term nature. The potential users are from all levels of society and therefore have different experience with the usage of the medium Internet. But there are no recommended actions how to develop and maintain a community for patients in the health care domain. Instead there are several challenges that need to be met throughout the development and maintenance of a platform in such a domain. So as to achieve the greatest congruency between the patients’ needs and the services of the platform both the potential users needed to get involved into the development process and a sound evaluation of the conceptualised product is necessary. Furthermore the offered information must be quality assured. Taking this into account, we conceptualised and implemented a community platform for breast cancer and leukaemia patients, their relatives and anyone interested in information about cancer. The article gives an overview of the used methods and focuses on the specialties in the health care domain.

Category: Communication International Perspectives Quality & Standards

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Assisted Living technology in social care: workforce development implications

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to look at the implications of the increasing use of Assisted Living

Technology in the social care sector and to assess the implications for the workforce in terms of job roles, skills, knowledge, training, and support.

Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods approach was used, through a quantitative electronic survey of staff working in social care (as well as some health care) organisations in England, and three qualitative case studies of local authorities.

Findings – The research shows that the organisations involved in delivering Assisted Living Technology, the types of Assisted Living Technology being introduced, and the way in which it is being delivered, have implications for job roles and the skills and knowledge needed by staff. The associated training and workforce development similarly varies across the social care sector; it is ad hoc, disparate, and provided primarily by individual employers or by suppliers and manufacturers.

Research limitations/implications – There is a need for a standardised Assisted Living Technology workforce development approach which can be used across the social care sector.

Practical implications – The varied nature of Assisted Living Technology providers and delivery models presents a challenge to the development and implementation of a standardised programme of workforce development.

Originality/value – This paper presents the results of new empirical research arising from a quantitative and qualitative study of the workforce development implications of Assisted Living Technology in the English social care sector.

Category: Communication International Perspectives Policy & Funding Quality & Standards Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Smart home technologies for health and social care support (review)

Authors: S. Martin, G. Kelly, WG. Kernohan, B. McCreight and C. Nugent

Published by: The Cochrane Library

Year of Publication: 2008

People who are ill (physically or mentally), or who are frail, may find it difficult to meet their everyday personal and social needs at home. Healthcare providers are trying to find ways to support more people at home, but finding home care workers and the money to fund this help is challenging. Advances in technology have created new devices to help support people.

New devices are already starting to be used, such as mobile phones tailored to health care, or electronic sensors that sound alarms in emergency situations. Another new technology is sensors. Sensors can be placed in everyday appliances in the home, like the fridge, cooker or the door, and can send information to healthcare providers. Providers can find out how people are doing in their homes and then make decisions about their care, such as how often to visit the home. Homes with these technologies are called ’smart homes’.

As with many new technologies, smart home technologies are often used without first testing if they are effective. This review aimed to determine what effect any type of smart home technologies have on people. The review produced a significant volume of literature on the use of smart technologies within health care, but there were no studies testing their effectiveness. The effects of smart technologies to support people in their homes are not known. Better quality research is needed.

Category: Communication Connected Health International Perspectives Smart Homes & Environmental Controls Social Engagement

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Workforce Development for Assisted Living Technology:understanding roles, delivery and workforce needs

Authors: Dr Andrea Wigfield, Dr Sian Moore, Dr Christina Buse and Dr Gary

Published by: University of Leeds

Date of publication: May 2012

Assisted Living Technology (ALT), including telecare and telehealth, digital participation services, and wellness services, is increasingly being offered to individuals in need of social care support as a way of assisting them to maintain independence and to promote quality of life at home. It is recognised that the delivery of Assisted Living Services (ALS) (the term used to refer to this collection of services) has implications for the workforce in the social care and health sectors.

Category: Connected Health Domestic Assistance International Perspectives Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Virtual humans for connected health

Authors: Gunner Gamborg 

Published By: WFOT Bulletin

Published On: May 2015 

There is a growing need for applications that can dynamically interact with aging populations to gather information, monitor their health care, provide information, or even act as companions. Virtual human agents or virtual characters offer a technology that can enable human users to overcome the confusing interfaces found in current human-computer interactions. These artificially intelligent virtual characters have speech recognition, natural language and vision that will allow human users to interact with their computers in a more natural way. Additionally, sensors may be used to monitor the environment for specific behaviors that can be fused into a virtual human system. As a result, the virtual human may respond to a patient or elderly person in a manner that will have a powerful affect on their living situation. This paper will describe the virtual human technology developed and some current applications that apply the technology to virtual patients for mental health diagnosis and clinician training. Additionally the paper will discuss possible ways in which the virtual humans may be utilized for assisted health care and for the integration of multi-modal input to enhance the virtual human system.

Category: Communication Connected Health International Perspectives Medication Management Smart Homes & Environmental Controls Social Engagement

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Policy development: assistive technology in a Danish context

Authors: Gunner Gamborg

Published By: WFOT Bulletin

Published On: May 2015

With consideration for the individual and socio-economic perspective of the use of assistive technology, the Danish Association of Occupational Therapists (Ergoterapeutforeningen) has developed and adopted a policy paper with principles and recommendations. Recommendations include the need for increased research, education and training, as well as the establishment of a specialist society to promote documentation, evidence and increased public knowledge of assistive technology. Producing policy papers is important for promotion of occupational therapy services, strategies and research to stakeholders at all levels of society.

Category: Allied Health International Perspectives Quality & Standards Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Workplace response to virtual caregiver support and remote home monitoring of elders: the WIN project

Research has demonstrated the health and financial cost to working caregivers of older adults and the cost to business in lost productivity. This paper describes the implementation of the Worker Interactive Networking (WIN) project, a Web-based program designed to support employed caregivers at work. WIN innovatively linked working caregivers via the Internet to home to monitor elders’ status using wireless sensor technology and included an online information and support group for a six-month period.

Twenty-seven employees from thirteen business sites participated. Despite problems with wireless carrier service, feasibility outcomes were achieved. We were able to collect six months of continuous real time data wirelessly from multiple types of homes across 4 states. This model demonstrates that businesses can offer a similar program and not be overwhelmed by employee demand or abuse of technology access. Reluctance to consider home monitoring was apparent and was influenced by familial relationships and values of privacy and independence.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General Smart Homes & Environmental Controls Workforces Considerations

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

The acceptability of assistive technology to older people

Assistive technology (AT) is defined in this paper as ‘any device or system that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increases the ease and safety with which the task can be performed’ (Cowan and Turner-Smith 1999). Its importance in contributing to older people’s independence and autonomy is increasingly recognised, but there has been little research into the viability of extensive installations of AT. This paper focuses on the acceptability of AT to older people, and reports one component of a multidisciplinary research project that examined the feasibility, acceptability, costs and outcomes of introducing AT into their homes. Sixty-seven people aged 70 or more years were interviewed in-depth during 2001 to find out about their use and experience of a wide range of assistive technologies. The findings suggest a complex model of acceptability, in which a ‘ felt need’ for assistance combines with ‘product quality’. The paper concludes by considering the tensions that may arise in the delivery of acceptable assistive technology.

Category: Domestic Assistance International Perspectives Smart AT General Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago