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Technology to Care – Implementation Plan to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in social care

This implementation plan should be read in conjunction with Technology to Care: A Workforce Learning Strategy to Embed Electronic Assistive Technology (eAT) in Social Care1. The recommendations set out in the strategy form the basis of the implementation plan, which sets out a series of operational objectives with related actions or activities for different stakeholders.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Technology to Care – Knowledge and skills sets to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in social care

New electronic technologies are playing an ever greater part in everyday life for us all. Most of us have a mobile phone that we wouldn’t be without. Many of us shop online, travel by satnav, talk by video link to friends or family far away, and download apps for practical or leisure use. We may also arrange for lights to come on while we’re out, set alarms to detect intruders, or arrange for TV programmes to be recorded while we’re busy doing something else.

People who use social care services can and should enjoy the same benefits that the changing world of technology can bring to us all; some already do. Many are also finding that specific technology-based systems or devices have an increasingly important part to play in supporting their safety, well-being and independence. This is true not only for independence in a practical sense but also for enabling greater participation in family, social and economic life. Technology, especially digital technology, can bring substantial benefits in terms of reducing isolation and improving people’s motivation and well-being day to day. Such benefits apply to people of all ages. Individuals can now enjoy a much wider range of choices because of electronic technologies, and these in turn can help to nurture more personalised approaches to care and support.

Category: International Perspectives Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Influencing Factors in the Design of Smart Homes for Persons with Disabilities

UTARI collaborated with H-E-B and Operation Finally Home to provide technology and research integration of automated and robotic devices in home settings.  In 2014, we supported the development of two (2) Smart Homes to benefit wounded warriors. Read more about the HEB Project here.

This video features Mike McNair 

Mike McNair is the Automation and Intelligent Systems Director at The University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute (UTARI).  He joined the Research Institute in October 2013 initially overseeing the research in Unmanned Systems and Assistive Technologies; his responsibilities were later expanded to include oversight in Advanced Manufacturing and Sensor Development.

McNair received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Texas A&M University in 1982.  He later received a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering from The George Washington University in 2013.  He also holds an active membership with the Program Management Institute (PMI) with a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.  His direct unmanned systems experience includes the dual roles of Chief Architect and Chief Software Engineer on a large UGV and UAV System of Systems effort from the U.S. Army.  Included in his background is engineering and project leadership across multiple engineering and application domains.  McNair has authored or coauthored multiple journal and conference publications, is a current member of the SAE AS-4 (JAUS) standards group and has presented at several industry conferences and symposiums.

Category: Connected Health Mobile Technologies Robotics Smart Homes & Environmental Controls Videos

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Hft Personalised Technology - Virtual Smart House

Hft uses the term 'Personalised Technology' to describe gadgets and equipment used to support people in this way.

It's not about the technology; it's all about the person using it and the positive impact it has on all those involved.

Although the Virtual Smart House is based on our work with people with learning disabilities, much of the technology showcased in the house can be used equally to support anyone who needs assistance in their own home.

This includes other vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with dementia and people with physical disabilities

Category: International Perspectives Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Elizabeth Dodd · 9 years ago

Technology to Care – A workforce learning strategy to embed electronic assistive technology (eAT) in Social Care

Author: Skills for Care and Development (SfC&D)

Published By: Technology to Care UK

Published: 2014

Technology is playing an increasingly important part in the provision of care and support. This Workforce Learning Strategy has been developed by Skills for Care and Development (SfC&D) to support employers as they equip the workforce to utilise technology effectively to promote person centred approaches and independence, choice and well-being in the lives of the people they support. An ageing population, integrated public services, person centred approaches and digital innovations are amongst the key drivers for change in health and social care services in the UK. 1 2 3 This Strategy has been developed to consider the future needs of the workforce specifically in relation to the role that eAT can play in improving the delivery of care services. In particular, the Strategy is intended to support employers across the UK to address the learning needs of their workforce in relation to eAT and to invest more confidently in eAT related training.

A number of initiatives informed the direction of the Strategy, including a review of policy across the UK and a mix of research methods to analyse learning and development provision and its effectiveness in addressing workforce needs. Consultation and engagement events around the UK involved eAT champions, individuals, telecare service managers, care and support providers, occupational therapists, health, housing and third sector workers. The detail of the Strategy was shaped by a steering group of representatives to ensure consistency and consensus across the UK.

The Strategy is aimed primarily at employers and managers within social care services, with an emphasis on action to raise workforce awareness around eAT. It is part of a long term ambition to embed knowledge and skills about eAT in working practices across social care. Whilst the Strategy is addressed primarily to employers, it is highly relevant to other stakeholders such as suppliers/manufacturers and learning providers who also have an important role to play in achieving change.

To access the complete pdf. document please click here:

Category: International Perspectives Policy & Funding Smart AT General Workforces Considerations

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Shifting attitudes with Assistive Technology

Author: NDIS 

Published By: National Disability Insurance Scheme

Published On: 3 December 2014

A Webinar by the NDIS from 2014

"In celebration of International Day of People with Disability (IDPWD), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) hosted ‘Shifting attitudes with assistive technology’, a webinar on assistive technology and the opportunities it can provide for social, economic and community participation. Live viewers tuned in to the webinar on Wednesday 3 December to hear NDIS staff, participants and innovators talk about their experiences, achievements and the way forward with assistive technologies. This webinar was the ninth in the series of interactive NDIS webinars, and also comprised audio, visual, live captioning and Auslan to make it widely accessible."

For more information on the webinar, see  line-height: inherit; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"> or call  line-height: inherit; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">1800 800 110.

Follow the link here:

Category: Local Perspectives NDIS Videos

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Assistive Technology in the Workplace

Author: NDCO - National Disability Coordination Officer Program 

Published By: Deakin University 

Published On: 2014

This booklet provides information about technology that can be used in the workplace by people with a disability.

Follow the link here:

Category: Local Perspectives NDIS Smart AT General

Added by Tony Shaw · 9 years ago

Re-conceptualizing disability and assistive technology: Australian consumers driving policy change

Author: Natasha Layton and Erin Wilson

Published By: Technology and Disability Journal

Published On: 2009

For people living with a disability, enablers such as assistive technologies, environmental modifications and personal care can make the difference between living fully and merely existing. This article is written from the standpoints of people with disabilities and professionals in one Australian State who found their government and service system to be a constraining rather than an enabling force. It presents two key components of policy and practice change in the area of assistive technology: challenging understandings of disability, assistive technology, and the desired life outcomes that assistive technology contributes to; and building a public evidence base through consumer-focussed research. In short, government funding of assistive technology needs to move beyond a limited focus on functional needs and take responsibility for fully equipping people to live the lives they aspire to.

Category: Local Perspectives Policy & Funding Quality & Standards Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Support self management:assistive technology to support people with chronic disease

Authors: Huiru Zheng, Chris Nugent, Paul McCullagh, Yan Huang, Shumei Zhang, William Burns, Richard Davies, Norman Black,

Peter Wright, Sue Mawson, Christopher Eccleston, Mark Hawley and Gail Mountain

Published by:Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

Year of publication: 2010

We have developed a personalised self management system to support self management of chronic conditions with support from health-care professionals. Accelerometers are used to measure gross levels of activity, for example walking around the house, and used to infer higher level activity states, such as standing, sitting and lying. A smart phone containing an accelerometer and a global positioning system (GPS) module can be used to monitor outdoor activity, providing both activity and location based information. Heart rate, blood pressure and weight are recorded and input to the system by the user. A decision support system (DSS) detects abnormal activity and distinguishes life style patterns. The DSS is used to assess the self management process, and automates feedback to the user, consistent with the achievement of their life goals. We have found that telecare and assistive technology is feasible to support self management for chronic conditions within the home and local community environments.

Category: Communication Connected Health Mobile Technologies Smart Homes & Environmental Controls

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago

Virtual communities in health care: roles, requirements and restrictions

Authors: Yvonne Arnold, Miriam Daum and Helmut Kremar

Published by: Technical University of Munich

Year of publication: 2004

Community platforms on the Internet have the great potential to serve ubiquitous information and interaction needs. This applies especially in the health care domain, where the need for information and interaction is ubiquitous as well as often spontaneous and of a long term nature. The potential users are from all levels of society and therefore have different experience with the usage of the medium Internet. But there are no recommended actions how to develop and maintain a community for patients in the health care domain. Instead there are several challenges that need to be met throughout the development and maintenance of a platform in such a domain. So as to achieve the greatest congruency between the patients’ needs and the services of the platform both the potential users needed to get involved into the development process and a sound evaluation of the conceptualised product is necessary. Furthermore the offered information must be quality assured. Taking this into account, we conceptualised and implemented a community platform for breast cancer and leukaemia patients, their relatives and anyone interested in information about cancer. The article gives an overview of the used methods and focuses on the specialties in the health care domain.

Category: Communication International Perspectives Quality & Standards

Added by Ash-Lee Hall · 9 years ago